Tuesday, December 14, 2010

That Squirrel Called Merle

So this past quarter for school I have been super busy and it's mostly because I was in the show Cinderella, which I loved! I had such a good time playing dress up, dancing and making so many friends. Seriously, I love to waltz. It's kind of the best. Why did it ever go out of style? Sad.

Anyways, since I was part of the ensemble I got to run around doing different roles and having fun. All of my characters were different levels of cluelessness, which is always quite amusing. Also, since I had experience during puppetry I got to manipulate the cutest squirrel ever put together at the beginning of the show and work the horse that pulled Cinderella in the carriage to the ball. Since I got such an amazing job I also got to dress up as a Rabbit/Footman. Which is basically all this post is about. I loved being a bunny! The outfit, the dance, the extra arm (so people thought my hand was behind my back instead of in the horse's head, shhh...) I loved it all. Except for my upper lip being worn and torn by the whiskers. That wasn't as fun, but it got better and wasn't as bad towards the end of the run. Anywho...I wish everyone could have seen it, but here is the cutest picture I've taken in a while... (maybe ever?)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Santa Claus is Coming...

As I headed to work the other day I saw Santa Claus walking towards me. Last year when I saw Santa walking in a mall I wanted to body slam him to the ground. This time I got anxious and sick to my stomach and prayed he wouldn't talk to me, smile at me or even look in my direction. Is this a guilty conscious?

I told a friend about this reaction as opposed to the reaction I had last year and we started to analyze it, but never quite finished. What we got from the two scenarios was that when I wanted to hurt Santa he had his back towards me and when I was caught like a reindeer in Rudolf's nose (headlights - sorry I had to) he was coming toward me. I guess I am more apt to attack an unsuspecting old man and throw up when he looks at me. I have a bright future ahead of me.

Fight or flight? Depends...I'll be a warrior until I see that twinkle in the eye.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Yay, it's December! I love this month. So many things to do, gifts to buy, family to see, weather to complain about... It's the best!!!

December is also the time (and the only time) I find it good to listen to Christmas music. None of this listening to it in September and October. That's just ridiculous. You still have a few holidays to go through before Christmas. I hate when I am trying to look for Halloween paraphernalia and I have to pass several Christmas aisles to find the aisle of the holiday that is two months prior! Also, if stores could stop playing the darned Christmas music until after we've savagely eaten turkey and pies and cranberries and the likes I would be a much happier shopper.

Anyways, I digressed. I am happy that it is December and I am now in the mood to listen to Christmas music. Yay! Except I don't have my Christmas music. Not so yay... It's all on the computer that I used to purchase the music off iTunes, which is currently broken under my bed and replaced with a smaller, cuter, non-broken version. I just don't understand why iTunes doesn't transfer the songs that I purchased from them. I get that they don't want to transfer the songs I uploaded from cds. Fine, I have to put them on again, but whatever. BUT I PURCHASED THEM FROM THEIR SITE AND ADDED MY ITUNES ACCOUNT TO MY NEW COMPUTER!!! What is going on. I hate them for not letting me listen to the songs I purchased for last Christmas during this December. My only hope is my super smart computer savvy brother can pull them from the depths of my other computer and restore them to listening awesomeness. Even if he can I'll already have wasted 2 weeks of the only month of the year in which it is acceptable to listen to them. Stupid iTunes. Stupid music. Stupid Christmas. Bah Humbug!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


In rehearsal last night a few people were talking about their weekend. I was sort of listening, but not really because it really wasn't interesting what they were saying. I tuned in again when they were looking for another way to say "straight-laced". Essentially they were trying to find a way to describe a person that doesn't drink, smoke or have sex. I thought about it for a second, turned to them and said, "Mormon".
I still can't think of a what they probably were looking for, but I think I got pretty close.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Girl Who Lost a Shoe

Another semester has started and I was not sure as to how I felt about going back to school. I'm terrified because I really have to start doing my thesis. Seriously, it's terrifying. So far I have been able to get someone to agree to be my Thesis Advisor and now I have two others on board for my committee. I've done a good job so far. I've completed about 5% of the work. Maybe that's being a little generous...oh man. I have so much to do!
I was not looking forward to my Creative Dance in the Classroom Class, but thought Creative Drama in the Classroom sounded alright. I was planning on auditioning for the fall show and if I could get in I would be able to drop one class. Which one, which one. I found out that Creative Drama was not in the afternoons, but was instead going to be held at night, when rehearsals would be. What?!? Yeah, I know. If I was able to make the show I would have to remain in Creative Dance. Blech.
The day has arrived. I make it to the first day of school and get to Creative Dance, late! Why? Because everyone and their best friend's cousin's aunt were arriving at school at the same time and clogging up University Ave. Whatever, I made it. What more do you want. So Creative Dance. We go over the syllabus. I'm going to be writing more lesson plans. YAY! Ugh. I don't know why I hate them so much. I see how they are totally useful when you want to teach, but I hate writing them for class because then you more than likely will have to take your class through some or all of what you planned. I know working with kids will be harder than working with these adults, but the way the adults act. It is sometimes almost patronizing. "Oh, your lesson plan is for a 6 year old? Let me act as crazy as possible because all 6 year olds will do this." Stupid.
Then we start moving. Okay. I honestly hated this class, but I LOVE IT! I love being about to jump around and play and move and stretch and we are learning too. Fancy that! So I'm glad that if I drop something it is not this class. That would make me sad. I'm still not happy about the lesson plans though. Yuck.
So between my first class and my audition I have 6 hours of nothing. I'm rehearsing the song that Jennifer helped me find the day before and I keep forgetting the harmony. I just have to drill it in. But I can't do that for 6 hours. Honestly, I can't remember what I did. It all goes by in a blur. But I finally make it to audition for Cinderella about an hour early and that's because I dawdled. I get my audition number...1. Because I'm obviously the first one there. And I keep going over my song in my head and hope that I look nice enough to be impressive.
We go into the cattle call auditions and sit and I'm totally intimidated by everyone watching each other audition. I'm good at impressing a couple of people, but everyone? Forget about it. So I get called up and start to sing. La la la, all going well, where am I? What am I doing here? What are the words? Oh yeah, la la, oops there they go again. Oh man, it's the end of the verse. LA LA LAAAA!!! I actually sang words (when I remembered them) not just la'd. HORRIFYING! I just sat down and listened to everyone else perform. I couldn't help comparing myself to them. How come no one else forgot their words? Well a guy did, but he's not competition. I was screwed. Then we took a fifteen and got ready to dance. I was excited to get out of the heels and put on my flexible shoes. I changed and looked, but what is this? One shoe. That's right, you may think it prophetic that I was missing a shoe while auditioning for Cinderella. I didn't find it amusing at the moment though. I had to dance in characters shoes. Not as comfortable, but it could have been worse.
I get through the song(sort of) and dance and the waiting begins. The next day callbacks went up, but I wasn't on them. That doesn't mean I was cut, but it didn't look like any solos. I had to wait the entire weekend. Do you know what that does to a person? Relaying their not so finest audition moment in their head, over and over and over and over...and over again. Pure torture. I finally call on Monday to see if the cast list is put up and the girl asks for my name and says that I'm part of the ensemble! Huzzah! Then I start thinking that she probably heard my name wrong and when I get down there for the read through everyone will look at me in pity for thinking I was good enough to get into the show. Sad, pathetic girl.
Thankfully I was actually part of the cast and have been rehearsing my butt off for the past couple of weeks. It's tons of fun singing, but even more fun dancing. We've been waltzing mostly, but have done a few days of gavotte-ing as well. I'm excited. I love being a part of a cast again. I've missed it.
So I dropped my Creative Drama class and am happy to keep my Creative Dance class. I also I going to a Yoga class to kill an hour of my now 7 hour break between Creative Dance and rehearsals. It's delightful. I love my teacher. He's cute. It's looking like it will be an action packed semester. I guess forgetting a shoe in the car isn't that bad when you get to have this much fun.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Seeing Red

Okay, so I've realized in my life that I am not the greatest with money, but I also not the worst. I'm getting better and by looking up my account online every few days I am able to keep myself in check because I realize how much money I do not have and then I don't spend any. Sounds simple enough, but trust me, I'm a little (maybe a lot) stupid sometimes.

But boy was I surprised to see a charge to my account for $26.16 from Redbox. The convenient little one-day movie rental kiosk. I had definitely not taken out that many movies at once and realized that someone had stolen my number and used it to rent movies! I felt sick and had to go to church feeling all sad for myself and my lost money.

I thought about it all through church and got hit in the face with realization - OH...MY...GOSH...Had I returned that last movie? Surely I had. I had about 4 hours between my classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and would often go down rent a movie and watch it in the library and then return it, buy myself some dinner and go back to school. This was so routine that I didn't know how I could have not done it. I tried desperately to think about the last movie I rented and what I had done during that day. Seeing how it was almost a month before it was really difficult, but I kept getting the sick feeling that I lingered on campus reading outside, by my favorite tree. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.

When I came home, I was lost in the confusion of people being over and whatnot and momentarily forgot about the horror of my life. When it finally smacked me again I rushed to my room and in the only pocket I NEVER USE of my backpack (why are there sooo many pockets?) I felt the hard case of a movie I had never returned and paid greatly for. So now I own this movie and have the stupid Redbox case that will not look good with the rest of my movies. I wish that they would kindly send the real movie case to me seeing as how I paid for it and then some and I would most certainly return their dumb case.

Sometimes, I'm an idiot.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

For the People I Miss..

Have you ever had a dream where you see someone that you haven't seen for a long time and that you desperately miss? I do sometimes and I can never figure out if it's something worthwhile to have. Because I see this person and whether I run to them and give them a huge hug that lasts forever, talk for a while or just sit casually beside them, it isn't quite right. When I wake up and they aren't there I sometimes hate my subconscious for mocking me and saying, "Look what you don't have, haha." But sometimes, sometimes I hold onto it and mix it with the real memories I have with this person. Sometimes it's really great to have, especially if that's all I can have at the moment.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

This just happened...my throat hurts.


Why I oughta!

Bring it shorty.

I'll bite your kneecaps off.

If you can reach that high!

Don't worry. I always carry my trusty step ladder. I'll take you down gigantor!

I will beat you up short stack!

I may be little, but I am scrappy.

More crappy than anything.

Oops you stepped in it. Sucks to be too tall to see your feet.

Sucks to your assmar.



But I don't have assmar.

Your about to get punched in the throat!
Andrew is offline.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oh Poppet!!!

Check this out...(CAUTION: It's kind of sad)

This is probably the saddest thing I have ever seen. Could you imagine realizing that your whole world is finely manipulated? Poor little guy.

Now to make us happy again...

At least this made ME giggle.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Much of Muchness

Here are some things I pondered while watching Alice in Wonderland...

* I look cute in glasses. Very cute.

* I LOVE Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, Danny Elfman and Lewis Carroll. I am envious of anyone and everyone that gets to work with them.

* I don't have the right nose for glasses. They keep falling down and I have to nerdily push them up. I'm not sure if this was because I skewed it while in a mosh pit Freshman year, but it's crooked AND glasses fall, these must be related.

* My head is wider than the average persons. I'm thinking that the 3D glasses are made for the average persons cranium and not mine. The spot where the stem hit the right side of my head over the ear started to hurt. So sad.

* When I get married and have my twin boys I will name them Derek and Demetrius. Then I will get them good and chubby so they will be my fat boys. (I shall also refer to them as Tweedle Derek and Tweedle Demetrius.)

* I'm actually fine with 3D movies. I thought that I hated all of them because of the ones that I have seen. What I found out is that I just hate the 3D movies that constantly throw things at you. SO ANNOYING!!! (Now if they would make contacts instead of glasses to watch them...)

* I know why I like staying for the credits. It's my time to digest the movie and what just was presented before anyone has a chance to talk to me about it. It is a good time for reflection. (Also I love reading everyone's names and finding the most ridiculous one's to read out loud.)

* I love the Alice in Wonderland stories. They are delightful and entertaining.

* Stupid people should be banned from attending the theatre. This definitely includes the people that bring their children (especially babies!) to see movies after 8pm. PUT THE KIDS TO BED IDJITS!!!

* I like the word idjits.

* Maybe a pig would be a good pet if it would keep my feet warm.

* Mom says bagel funnily...hehehe!

* I always giggle when Heather burps.