Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Do I look weird?

This commercial makes me laugh EVERY time I see it!!!

I had to at least try to be as awesome as this guy. You should too and then share it with me.

Also, I dyed my hair. K, thanks, bye.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

24 is a Bore

I've been 24 for a few weeks and already this year of my life is bumming me out. I just don't think I have anything that will top the excitement of last year.

Let's take a look back at a few of the awesome things I did last year...

* I performed in Cinderella. Not only was I singing and dancing (waltzing!), but I got to do puppetry and dress up like a bunny footman!!! SOOO MUCH FUN!!!

* I wrote a thesis. What, what?!? That's right, I wrote a thesis and it was printed on 100% cotton paper and bound with my name on the spine. It took me forever researching and writing. I even pulled a few all-nighters to make it all wonderful and delightful. So now you can go to California State University, San Bernardino's library and find a book written by me. Oh yeah, it's called 'Influences of Morality in Theatre for Children'. Yeah, pretty awesome.

* I went to the Oregon Shakespeare festival and saw 6 shows. My absolute favorite was Julius Caesar. It was the best! I loved the entire experience. Also, the actors weren't too bad to look at either...

* I did an internship where I Assistant Directed/Stage Managed the Jurupa Stake's production of The Trail of Dreams. If you haven't heard of it, or if you weren't tricked into coming by me it is a totally awesome pioneer musical written by James Arrington, Marvin Payne, and Steven Kapp Perry. Totally legit. We were able to make a recording of it so if you ever want to see me, it's worth it.

* I GRADUATED!!! What is awesomer than that? I am now Master Merle. Ah yeah. I graduated from CSUSB with a Master of Arts in Theatre Studies: Theatre for Young Audiences. Holy mackerel. Now what? (I dunno.)

* My sister and I did a Survivor 5k Mud Run! It was the funnest thing ever. When I get all of the pictures I'll try to do a post with them. They are pretty humorous. This mud run was dirty, exhausting and SO MUCH FUN!!! When we crossed the finish line, in 1 hour and 9 minutes thank you very much, I was ready to sign up again. We climbed, swam, ran, slid, crawled and more through all of the obstacles and it was so great.

So yeah, those are some pretty big and amazing things that went down and all I've done so far, at the age of 24, is learn how to crochet (I'm pretty good at it too. I hope everyone wants crocheted doo-dads for Christmas). I sound like I went from 23 to 83. Yuck. I need to go skydiving or something. Any suggestions in making this a year of awesomeness?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I have not had my hair cut (except for a few trims) for about 3 years. It was time. So I talked to one of my friends at work about cutting it all off and donating it to locks of love. The next day (today) I went over to her house and it all went down. I was/am so excited about my new short hair. I loved my long hair, but I got tired of it and in a couple of years I'll have it back again so no big deal.

In all we cut off and are donating 13 inches. HOLY MACKEREL!!!

Locks of Love,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Merle meets Templeton

Little Miss Merle Girl
Got in the shower
To wash all her cares away.
She soon saw a spider
Way up in the corner
And said Templeton would be his name.

Little Templeton was daring
And certainly brave
But had little sense in his brains.
He came down to see Merle
Against all her warnings
And soon was hit be some sprays.

Little Miss Merle Girl
Wept for her new friend
Because he was stuck to the wall.
He was now octopalegic
And she couldn't help him
She would be late to work at the mall.

Little Miss Merle Girl
Went to the bathroom
To check on her friend in the shower.
He wasn't there anymore
But crawled up beside her
Presenting her with a flower.

"Little Templeton Sir,
How are you here?
I saw you held wet to that wall."
"Little Miss Merle Girl,
Evaporation dear.
Got me back on eight, no time at all."

(I'm now friends with a spider named Templeton!)