Friday, July 30, 2010

Seeing Red

Okay, so I've realized in my life that I am not the greatest with money, but I also not the worst. I'm getting better and by looking up my account online every few days I am able to keep myself in check because I realize how much money I do not have and then I don't spend any. Sounds simple enough, but trust me, I'm a little (maybe a lot) stupid sometimes.

But boy was I surprised to see a charge to my account for $26.16 from Redbox. The convenient little one-day movie rental kiosk. I had definitely not taken out that many movies at once and realized that someone had stolen my number and used it to rent movies! I felt sick and had to go to church feeling all sad for myself and my lost money.

I thought about it all through church and got hit in the face with realization - OH...MY...GOSH...Had I returned that last movie? Surely I had. I had about 4 hours between my classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and would often go down rent a movie and watch it in the library and then return it, buy myself some dinner and go back to school. This was so routine that I didn't know how I could have not done it. I tried desperately to think about the last movie I rented and what I had done during that day. Seeing how it was almost a month before it was really difficult, but I kept getting the sick feeling that I lingered on campus reading outside, by my favorite tree. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.

When I came home, I was lost in the confusion of people being over and whatnot and momentarily forgot about the horror of my life. When it finally smacked me again I rushed to my room and in the only pocket I NEVER USE of my backpack (why are there sooo many pockets?) I felt the hard case of a movie I had never returned and paid greatly for. So now I own this movie and have the stupid Redbox case that will not look good with the rest of my movies. I wish that they would kindly send the real movie case to me seeing as how I paid for it and then some and I would most certainly return their dumb case.

Sometimes, I'm an idiot.