Sunday, May 15, 2011

Merle meets Templeton

Little Miss Merle Girl
Got in the shower
To wash all her cares away.
She soon saw a spider
Way up in the corner
And said Templeton would be his name.

Little Templeton was daring
And certainly brave
But had little sense in his brains.
He came down to see Merle
Against all her warnings
And soon was hit be some sprays.

Little Miss Merle Girl
Wept for her new friend
Because he was stuck to the wall.
He was now octopalegic
And she couldn't help him
She would be late to work at the mall.

Little Miss Merle Girl
Went to the bathroom
To check on her friend in the shower.
He wasn't there anymore
But crawled up beside her
Presenting her with a flower.

"Little Templeton Sir,
How are you here?
I saw you held wet to that wall."
"Little Miss Merle Girl,
Evaporation dear.
Got me back on eight, no time at all."

(I'm now friends with a spider named Templeton!)


Heather said...

I thought mom washed him down the drain? Cute poem!

ashleigh said...

Oh man! I hope not. If so he was reincarnated himself...yes.

J. Frankenstein Lutes said...

Maybe if you cleaned the bathroom every once in a while you wouldn't have to write epic poems to disgusting eight-legged monsters and instead could write them to me.

Emily said...

I hope we can meet when I come visit =)And if he is dead, well then mom should stop killing your friends!

Elizabeth Peterson said...

Emily is good with your spider friend, but ya better not be writing any poems about the mouse in your house, she might get a little freaked!