Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Worst Type of Person...

* Never watched Pushing Daisies

* Canceled Pushing Daisies

* Closed a door on a child making him cry

* Doesn't tell you who got cast when it doesn't include you

* Tries to hold a conversation in passing

* Does an entire show with you and then can't remember who you are

* Never makes a date

* Irrationally hates you

* Hates little dogs

* Likes cats

* Thinks someone's allergies are being made up

* Still has prejudices

* Uses and abuses

* Likes the show 24

* Likes Anne Geddes' work

* Frequents the hot tub

* Thinks Christmas starts in September

* Forces others to listen to Christmas music

* Forces others to listen to Country music

* Thinks Texas was God's gift to the world

* Doesn't share

* Is a substance abuser

* Yells on their cell phone

* Plays their music loud enough so everyone cn hear it rom their headphones

* Doesn't dress up for Halloween

* Forgets who their friends are

* Chooses to live in BYU approved housing, but constantly complains about the rules

* Holds grudges

* Makes you feel bad for no reason

* Likes you, but never says anything

* Doesn't agree with me

* Is the main topic of every one of their conversations

* Pretends to understand modern art

* Follows the fads, but can't tell you what makes them good

* Wins Cycle 11 of America's Next Top Model

* Thinks I'm writing about them

(* Is right)


@emllewellyn said...

I. Love. This. This made me laugh, slash reflect.

I <3 you, you know.

Heather said...

*Doesn't know where Luke's is
*Thinks California should fall into the ocean
*Hates cupcakes
*Refuses to acknowledge the superiority of the Lakers
*Puts people down because of their own insecurities

Erin said...

*thinks the Ducks rule...they really DROOL!!
*likes a hockey team that was named after a Disney movie.

Erin said...

Ok Guess I shouldn't have said Drool...I'm lame. But stupid Brain makes me soooooo mad!!!

J. Frankenstein Lutes said...

I want to choke the life out of whoever cancelled "Pushing Daisies". I will use my bare hands and I will chuckle quietly while I do it.

Heather said...

How very pushing daisies of you Joshua!

Elizabeth said...

How sad that I fall under at least one of those catagories. And no I will not tell you which one..or two..:)

Grandma Bonnie said...

Doesn't appreciate "Monk"!
OR "Save The Dog" ha ha ha